META Resources

META Resources
We've made a major start of pulling together a comprehensive resources guide to photo metadata.
Our goal is to satisfy the needs of both beginners and experts who work with digital images by serving
as a clearinghouse of information about photo metadata. Find what you need here, or let us know
what else we can add. contact us
Metadata Q&A
Why store metadata in image files? What are the key standards? How do you embed it?
Classes of Metadata
Different classes of text information about digital files serve specific purposes.
Types of Metadata
An image file can include metadata representing one or all industry standards.
History of Photo Metadata
It's actually been around almost as long photography has existed.
We just didn't call it metadata then.
Links & Resources Guide
Here’s a reference library with links to everything published about metadata
on the web, leading with a short list of "recommended reading."
Glossary of Terms
This meta-dictionary will help you understand the many metadata terms
and acronyms you may encounter – from ANSI to XMP.